Wednesday 25 May 2016

Mahatma Gandhi's Turning time and Achivements


   Gandhi studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South    Africa
  1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic in 1948. 
Gandhi was one of the leading Indian politicians of the Indian independence movement. 
he age of 36 Gandhi adopted the life of a brahmacharya – spiritual and practical purity 
 Also Gandhi placed great emphasis on his spiritual practises,
Gandhi made great personal efforts to heal the rift between Hindu’s and Muslims that occurred in the period following independence.  During the internal strife between Muslims and Hindus

Turning points;
1914 he returned to India and became the leader of the Indian National Congress
1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic in 1948.

Nelson Mandela's turning point and achivements


      Conducting their own defence they eventually proved to be victorious.

     Mandela was able to finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
     1952;  Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa. 
     1944;  Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League.
     1949;. Mandela was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action  
   10 May 1994; Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State            President of South Africa 
    1999.; As president, Mandela presided over the transition from minority rule and apartheid.
    1993 ;Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with F.W. De Klerk
    widely admired and has received many prestigious awards. 

  Turning point; 
   the late 50s the S.A.state had become increasingly repressive making it more difficult for the    ANC to operate. Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground
  1952; Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage. 
  1960;  the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate
  1962; Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life
   Whilst at university Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society
1990. ;It was an emotional moment watched by millions around the globe

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Timeline of Fred Hollows

 1929- born in New Zealand
  1960- Got job in Australia
  1965-He became the head of eye department of Sydney  hospital
  1970-He helped launch a national program to attach eye disease Aboriginal Australia


Timeline of William Cooper

1861 - born in Cummeragunja
1934 -Planned an action behalf of Aboriginal
1938 -Planned celebration for British people