Sunday 21 February 2016

Legal action begins over online piracy


   1: Village Roadshow and Foxtel are taking separate actions in the Australian Federal Court to
    Piracy websites.

   2: people should not watch Hollywood blockbuster movies for  free.

  3:  For the success of this process Australian internet services providers should help.

  4:  Watching movies  and shows from these websites are stealing and also depriving the writers
    director and many others.

    Village Roadshows and Foxtel are leading separate  action in the Australian Federal Court to piracy websites, blocking them of showing free Hollywood movies and shows. Everyone knows pirate websites harm film industry. In other words it's not a good for the writers , directors and others who work hard and do creatives works. The music industry also support this legislation action because they are suffer from the piracy websites as well.  Australian internet service providers should help us to block these unauthorised websites .All those industry which effect by piracy websites , they support these low.


I support this  action because moviemakers are working really hard to create entertainments for us. If we which from piracy websites,in fact we are distorting a big industry.witch is a lot of people involves.we should support this industry and entertain ourselves at same time.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


  Immigration to Australia has been changed from 1992   to 2002
  In general immigration to Australia Europe  and farmer USSR go down  slightly from 26870 countries to 17411 in ten years.
India Srilanka  and Pakistan  are fluctuate from 1992  to 2002 up to 8790 people in ten years.
People from Meddle east and North Africa are drop suddenly in 1992 they were 3308 people but in 2002  just 900.

Immigration to Australia 2002

immigration to Australia 1992

Wednesday 10 February 2016

home- schooled kids do better in tests


1; Home schooled perform better in almost all NAPLAN test.
2; The number of children taught at home in N S W  rising  last year then before.
3; Not all of  home schooled students register for test.
4; BOSTES encourage home  students to sit for the test.
5; Queensland university  said with small proportion  a huge difference.


The home schooled kids do significantly better in NAPLAN tests. Not just in NAPLAN they have good marks in HSE.Evan-though not all of them sit for the  test .   Queensland  university did some research and said with small proportion they make a huge difference.That's why BOSTES encourageding homeschool students to come register for NPALAN test . The number of homeschool students are more than 3000 just in NSW.but  not all  of them siting for The test.

When I read this report , it surprised me with this amazing results in NAPLAN and HSE witch are important  in a student career .then I thought using the home schooled   Strategy  will be useful to the school kids .